طاسة قلي مصنوعه من ستانلس ستيل 30 سم مع مقبض أسود مقبض باكيليت أسود قاعدة ثلاثية الطبقات لضمان توزيع الحرارة بالتساوي السطح الخارجي مطلي
مقلاة ستانلس ستيل مع ممقبض ناعم بلون احمر، 22 سم
مقلاة ستانلس ستيل مع ممقبض ناعم بلون احمر، 26 سم
مقلاة ستانلس ستيل مع مقبض ناعم بلون احمر، 30 سم
Non-Stick Lovely Hearts Jumbo Frying Pan by NouvalAvailable Size: 28 cm
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or Woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
For the modern kitchen
Who said your cookware had to be dull? Add some color to your frying pans or woks with the Lock & Lock E-Cook.
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